Hasan Xhilo
Ud. DekanMuaz Agushi
Vice DeanSë Shpejti!
Së Shpejti!
First cycle
The second cycle
- Study program Advanced Islamic Studies
Study program Methodology of teaching religious education
First cycle
Study program Islamic Sciences
- Decision on accreditation
- The decision to start work
The second cycle
Study program Advanced Islamic Studies
- Decision on accreditation
- The decision to start work
- Link to Accreditation Agencies at North Macedonia
Study program Methodology of teaching religious education
The Faculty of Islamic Sciences in Skopje was founded by the "Majhlisi Shura" of the Islamic Community of the Republic of North Macedonia. It started as an immanent need, which on 26.06.1990 was concretized in the form of a request for the construction of the Faculty's main building, and was finalized in January 1995 with the obtaining of permission for the construction of the first academic temple in the country - the Faculty of Islamic Sciences. In May 1997, the Mejlisi Shura approves the Statute of the Faculty and the curriculum, while the State Commission for Relations with Religious Communities under the Government of the Republic of Moldova in February 1998 approves the academic year 1997/1998 as the year when the Faculty will start work. In 2008, through the Law on the establishment of higher education institutions of religious communities (Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova no. 81/08), the Faculty of Islamic Sciences formalized its activity. Article 1 of this law literally states: "The Faculty of Islamic Sciences is established as an institution of higher education of religious communities". The Faculty of Islamic Sciences - Skopje is established as the only and very important educational and scientific institution of its kind in the Republic of North Macedonia. For more than two decades, it has been the only carrier of higher education in the field of Islamic studies. Each letter of the designation "FSHI" signifies value and the beginning of the aims, vision and academic mission of what we want to provide to our students and our academic and administrative-technical staff. The Faculty of Islamic Sciences, with more than 300 students and 21 employees, is the only educational and scientific center in the country that prepares professional staff for the needs of BFI and Islamic society in general. This is one of the so-called specialized but at the same time general institutions because they offer knowledge of many scientific fields. At the Faculty, three accredited study programs are currently being developed in the first cycle of the diploma and in the second cycle of the specialization and the master's degree. The current curriculum covers interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary studies. Thanks to the available infrastructure and thanks to the quality of the developed scientific and educational work, it has achieved solid results in certain fields. The Faculty of Islamic Sciences Skopje is ready to face and successfully cope with the possible challenges that are placed before higher education institutions such as: integration and academic globalization, help the development of society in general, develop Islamic sciences.